Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friends phenomenon

Certainly you have never had so many "friends" as you have since you made an account on facebook. This is caused by what I called "friends phenomenon.
Suddenly you're on facebook "friend" with everyone. Whether this is in fact a colleague, boss, family member, classmate, someone known from some social event, or even someone you do not know even a little, but you just have a good feeling when there is growing number of your friends under any circumstances ... Facebook is throwing everything into one bag.
In your network there is suddenly a "patchwork" of contacts relating to the status of your employee, supervisor, parent, sibling, classmate, friend ... In the real world you have these statuses clearly divided. You know what information to share at home, at work, at school. Generally speaking, this is not overlapping, or only in clearly specified extent.
On facebook this sharing of information is overlapping on all levels. Boundaries between public and private are blurred. You are informing your supervisor about yesterdays party and notifying friends about work achievements.